Thanks Hatem for his confession. We respect him more for this.
To share some experience here and for those sensitive viewers, please do not deem this as "promotion" again or we have no experience to share from now on. (If it were promotion, you should not have seen it because it should have been removed by the Dc Pro editor).
The situation is not so gloomy as Hatem thinks. So far bankers from Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, China, Dubai, and China have invited us to prepare a 3 day transport documents workshop to correct all these "To order" in AWB, "consginee" in invoice problems due to inadequate knowledge about transport operations, particularly charter party. We expect documents from these areas should have been improved, at least marginally, we hope.
We also recommend that the "commodity or charter party " desk in the banks and in the trading houses be paid at least 25% more than the average in salary as these jobs are more difficult, mistakes more expensive and need more technical knowledge to perform safely and satisfactorily.
[edited 8/31/01 5:28:10 PM]