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Tolerance / shipment schedule
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:00 am
by Yahya
Actually, my intention was not to question this.
I consider that shipments on same means of conveyance would not be discrepant.
Tolerance / shipment schedule
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:00 am
by DanielD
The reference to Docdex 204 because it shows that we have to be specific. Here, if three shipments have to be made, the credit credit must (should?)require so.
The "partial shipments allowed" entering into the game renders the whole thing uncomfortable and arguable . I would have preferred: "3 shipments must be made as follows:...".
Hope I am not a nuisance
Tolerance / shipment schedule
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:00 am
by JudithAutié
Thank you Khalid, Yahia and Daniel : you have all just proved my point which is that when the credit is not correctly opened, saying what it means, many different interpretations can arise -- in which case while the banks argue, the applicant and beneficiary may suffer ;-(
Best regards
Tolerance / shipment schedule
Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:00 am
by KhalidI
I have had time to reflect on this & agree to your view point.
Best Regards