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Sub-article 14(f) - Whether the data content fulfils the fun

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:00 am
by GSham

According to ISBP 681 para. 41, a document may be titled as called for in the credit, bear a similar title or be untitled. In this case the title is same as that called for in the credit.

Further, ISBP 681 para. 41, repeating sub-article 14(f), requires that the content of a document must appear to fulfil the function of the required document. In this case, the question is whether the content appears to fulfil the function of the required certificate.

I doubt if we can treat the title of a document as its content.

Regards, Gabriel

Sub-article 14(f) - Whether the data content fulfils the fun

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:00 am
by NigelHolt

My view is not that an examiner should read into the wording that the tanks were not clean because they were not cleaned at the moment the cleanliness cert. was issued. My concern is that the certificate seemingly says absolutely nothing about the cleanliness of the vessel’s tank(s) one way or another.

Regards, Jeremy

Sub-article 14(f) - Whether the data content fulfils the fun

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:00 am
by GlennRansier_olsABN
I believe I understood the concern however the document is titled: Certificate of Vessel's Tank Cleanliness and appears to provide no statement that conflicts with the title. I am unsure what discrepancy is to be cited in such a case. As I noted, the US is a very litigious country and whether we honour/negotiate or not does not prevent a legal action. Given this, whatever actions are undertaken are done with the the view of what is more defendable, honouring or refusing.

Sub-article 14(f) - Whether the data content fulfils the fun

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:00 am
Dear Gabriel,

Could you please share with us the outcome of this issue?

Regards / Akin