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PARA 187

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2003 1:00 am
by PavelA
Dear Jeremy,

I agree with you 100% that defective drafting will cause problems irrespective of whose interpreting the rules. I hope that with UCP600 would would be much better off!

Pavel Andrle

PARA 187

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 1:00 am
by DonSmith
This is such an interesting string of messages that I will write a BRIEF article in response.

All should remember the commission of the ISBP Task Force - to document international standard banking practice as reflected in the Articles of the UCP500 - and that the ISBP Pub. 645 reflects the input from LC practioners - the task force did not make it up!

Don Smith
co-chair, ISBP Task Force