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Mr. Dan Taylor Is Safe In Florida

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2001 1:00 am
by T.O.Lee

For those members of the DC Pro who are concerned about the safety of Mr. Dan Taylor (Vice Chairman of ICC Banking Commission and Chairman of IFSA USA), whose office is at Suite 2269, One WTC, he is now attending the IFSA Conference in Florida, according to the email just received from Mr. Ron Katz, the Secretary of ICC Banking Commission in Paris.

T. O. Lee

Mr. Dan Taylor Is Safe In Florida

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2001 1:00 am
by larryBacon
I hope I speak for all in thanking T.O. Lee and Ron Katz for their information on the fortuitous escape of our friend Dan Taylor. As events unfold, there will be many who were not so fortunate. Our thoughts are with them now.