Thanks for your input. However, as a banker, you may not know the complexity that your proposed "Variation to a Theme by T. O. Lee" would bring.
There are couple of points for you to consider from our previous involvement in similar circumstances.
(1) You have missed out the most important party, the Shipper, who is the only party in the B/L that has the right to authorise change of the name of the Consignee in the B/L.
(2) A careful Consignee, Bank B, although having the power to endorse the Bs/L to any party it may prefer, would not make such endorsement to Bank A, unless it is defintely sure that the Shipper also agrees to this, to avoid troubles. But the Shipper is a stranger not located in the importing country where the Beneficiary, Bank B and the Shipping Agent domicile.
(3) An Agent of the Carrier in the port of discharge may have limited power not covering such exceptional cases/tasks.
(4) Some shipping agents would not like to carry out such instructions in order to avoid risks, such as
(a) The Carrier may have already sold the ship to other parties.
(b) The Carrier is being sued by other parties and the ship may face arrest by an order of a court.
(c) The Issuing Bank afterwards refuses the waiver due to poor financial condition of the Applicant and the Shipper asks for a return of the documents. Then the Applicant may say: "Hey! Give me back the Bs/L in the ORIGINAL FORMAT as they are presented. You have no right to add, delete or change their data content or to dispose of my documents (releasing them to Bank B for endorsement or to the Shipping Agent for re-issue in the form of switched B/L) without my due authorization".
(d) Or after payment dishonour by the Issuing Bank, the Shipper changes the name of the Consignee back to itself or to a third party to whom the goods are re-sold. Some issuing banks may have the banking practice to refuse to endorse a B/L originally consigned to the order of an issuing bank after payment dishonur and return of the documents back to the presenter. If Bank A refuses to sign on the B/L after an endorsement is made by Bank B to Bank A, then the Shipper cannot get another set of Bs/L issued from the Carrier. And other complications and risks which we do not wish to continue here to make this message brief.
(5) Other points worth considering are:
(a) Such actions may not be covered by the insurance policy of the Shipping Agent.
(b) There is no indemnity from the Carrier or other parties.
(6) The Shipping Agent receives only a small fees that would not justify taking such high risks. Some agents we know would say:"Why should I get myself into all these troubles and risks where I do not have any benefits out of it? We are not running the Red Cross. We are in business'.
(7) Again this is a commercial decision. If the Shipping Agent wishes to get all the agency business from the Carrier in the region or to fish for the other big businesses from the gigantic Beneficiary, then this is another ball game.
(8) In the Discussion Forum you are welcome for your inputs as a banker. However, in the real transaction, as a banker, we would advise you not to make any proposal to the parties for something which is outside your scope of expertise. Again, this is also a commercial decision of your bank. And don't forget to involve your lawyers, whether internal or external, to cover your own personal risks. A hero in a bank does not get any medal of honour.
The opinions, comments and/or advices expressed here are solely for discussion or debating purposes. They may change with time, for example, when new perspectives are taken or after new developments or changes in trade customs and practices are seen in the respective fields. You should not rely on or act accordingly to such opinions, comments and/or advices and should seek professional opinions from your own lawyers, experts and/or consultants. We do not assume any liability or responsibility for any damages, losses or consequences of whatever nature, whether directly or indirectly related to or caused by our opinions, comments and/or advices.
[edited 1/3/02 8:21:32 PM]