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Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:00 am
by ARoncoroni
I'm managing with an l/c with a description of goods as the following "S/FACTURA PROFORMA NR.XYZWK".
In the invoice we have the a/m description alongwith the accurate details of the goods issued. In the apposite box of the C/O we have only a brief description of the goods dispatched indicated in the invoice but not even a short mention at the description indicated in field 45A.
What is your opinion? Is it an incontestable discrepancy?


Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:00 am
by larryBacon
On the face of it, this is not a discrepancy. Documents other than the invoice are not required to give a full LC description and given that those other descriptions are not inconsistent with the LC description, this is o.k.



Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 12:00 am
by PavelA
ISBP, para. No. 198 relates to your question. It says that the C/O must appear to relate to the invoiced goods. The goods description in the C/O may be shown in general terms not inconsistent with that stated in the credit or by any other reference indicating a relation to the goods in a required document.

So provided that the goods description or any other reference on C/O makes it possible to relate the C/O to the goods in question and there is not inconsistency with the descr. of goods stated in the credit and/or with any other presented required document, it is acceptable.

Best regards,

Pavel Andrle