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Article 27

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:00 am
by RaymondC
Hi, I am a new comer to this Forum. I had 2 questions which like to have sharing from the group.

1. L/C called for AWB and did not call for actual date of dispatch. Latest shipment date: Oct 5.

We received AWB shoing a date of dispatch Oct 5 (not in the box "For Carrier Use Only) and the issue date being Oct 10. We had argument whether we should point as late shipment. Or should we just apply to Art 27 that since LC not actually call for a dispatch date, we would consider the issue date as the shipment date?

2. If the beneficiary of a LC is ABC Co. on behalf of DEF Co and whereas shipper on B/L is ABC Co. on behalf of DEF Co. with consignee as "to order". The endorsement on the B/L should be a) ABC Co; or b) DEF Co; or c) ABC Co. on behalf of DEF Co?

Article 27

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:00 am
by AbdulkaderBazara
Dear Raymond,

The following may give response to your query:

a) Point number (1), paragraph 151 of ISBP 645
b) Point number (2), ICC Official Opinion number R491.


Article 27

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:00 am
by RaymondC
Thanks Abdulkader for your prompt sharing. For question 2, according to R491,it seems edorsement by ABC Co. (even not specify on behalf of DEF Co) is also acceptable?