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Art. 20 No. ii "Intended Vessel"

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:00 am
by ccastanedai
I need some opinions:
We received a B/L with a preprinted wording showing Intended Vessel "xxx No zz"
Cheking the documents I found that the on board notation indicate the date but does not indicate the actual vessel name but in the attached sheet for the B/L page 1 of 1 shows a notation showing the Vessel name in a diferent part of the documents.
Is this a compliying document or is a discrepancy.
The port fo Receipt of goods and the port of loading are the same.
Wait for your opinions.

Art. 20 No. ii "Intended Vessel"

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:00 am
by ccastanedai
I haven't heard from you.
There is no opinion in this matter or need more information.

Art. 20 No. ii "Intended Vessel"

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 1:00 am
by GlennRansier_
Without seeing the document it is not easy to answer. However, UCP Article 20 is clear in that if the BL states "intended" or similar in relation to the vessel, the vessel name must be quoted as part of the "on board" notation. If you are on the export side of the credit, it would be best to have the BL align with UCP.