Dear Abdulkader,
As a trainer and consultant, we are not surprised to see in FOB DC, the DC calls for freight to be prepaid by the seller/beneficiary. The reasons are many, to name just a few:
1 The parties, including some (not all) bankers, do not know Incoterms to such an extent that they can be protected by the Incoterms, although they use them in the DC.
2 Then you may ask why they use Incoterms which they don’t know adequately to protect themselves? Because the Incoterms is a “default” term/condition (to borrow a computer jargon here) in the DC application form and nobody wishes to rock on the boat. So they play safe and follow. In fact this is not safe at all, to use something one is not familiar with.
3 Human beings have the basic need to create. Unfortunately, parties use creativity in the wrong direction. They should exhibit their creativity in photography, videos, hi-fi, painting, music and other forms of fine arts as I do. For example, my home theatre and hi fi system cost only 10% of the value of my friend’s system but the performance of my system is 90% as good.
4 Parties seriously lack of good training on Incoterms.
5 It is not so dangerous if one is aware that he does not know Incoterms. From our experience, the most dangerous thing is that one thinks that he knows Incoterms but in fact he does not. The terms in DCs quoted by Abdulkader are good examples. The parties should have used CFR for freight being paid by the seller/beneficiary. Otherwise why should we need CFR?
6 As already pointed out by Laurence, the Incoterms allow parties to change only the non-core terms, but not the core-terms, which form the backbone to differentiate one Incoterm form another. An angel is an angel but we may paint an angel with long wings or short wings. However, we cannot replace the wings with the horns borrowed from the devil! Otherwise the angel is no more an angel in essence. She is transformed into a different thing – a devil.
What is the purpose of paragraph 100 of the ISBP, ICC Document 470/951rev3, that states:
"For example, the fact that a bill of lading may indicate that freight has been prepaid under an EXW, FAS or FOB Incoterms is not, in itself, reason for refusal, unless the credit requires the document to be marked “freight collect’".
Is the purpose to encourage abuses in Incoterms?
In the examples given by Abdulkader, where the FOB DC calls for freight prepaid, then presentation of a FOB BL showing freight prepaid cannot be deemed as discrepant because of two reasons:
1 The BL complies strictly with the DC terms and conditions.
2 If the DC itself is inconsistent, to comply with an inconsistent DC, the BL must be inconsistent too.
Although Laurence and we, as consultants and court experts, should have welcome such abuses to bring us more business. However, we don’t want to waste our valuable time on such disputes which should have happened or should have been avoided. Our limited time should more effectively be used to resolve some more worthwhile cases, since we do not worry about our businesses. Hope Laurence would agree on all fronts.
[edited 8/24/02 6:02:31 PM]