LC describes the goods as follows:
- 10 Generators XYZ
- 20 Generators ABC
The invoice presented reproduce the same description, but indicates additional information in the details as follows:
- 5 Generators XYZ with silencer
- 5 Generators XYZ
- 10 Generators ABC with silencer
- 10 Generators ABC
Would you consider the silencers as additional data covered by para C5.
Antoine Samaha
ISBP para C5
ISBP para C5
The invoice also states - as required by the L/C - that the goods are as per proforma invoice no xxx.
Would this reference to the proforma invoice make the goods' description with the above additional specification (i.e. with silencer) for some of the generators, acceptable?
Would this reference to the proforma invoice make the goods' description with the above additional specification (i.e. with silencer) for some of the generators, acceptable?
ISBP para C5
In my opinion the mere fact that the invoice shows some of the goods of a different "sub-type" does not make the invoice discrepant. The invoiced goods are still of type "ABC" and "XYZ". The goods description corresponds to that in the L/C and there is no conflict. Hence, the invoice complies in this respect.
Radek Dobas
In my opinion the mere fact that the invoice shows some of the goods of a different "sub-type" does not make the invoice discrepant. The invoiced goods are still of type "ABC" and "XYZ". The goods description corresponds to that in the L/C and there is no conflict. Hence, the invoice complies in this respect.
Radek Dobas