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Documentary Credit World

Documentary Credit World (DCW) - March 2024 Vol. 28 No. 3 section - Updates

Enigio Announces Partnerships for Advancing ETD Use

Enigio AB, a tech company focused on digital original document solutions, has announced alliances with two companies facilitating innovations to trade finance and supply chain processes.

Striking a deal with digital trade financing solutions provider Mitigram on 7 March 2024, Enigio’s digital document solution, trace:original, will be available for use by Mitigram customers to create freely transferable digital documents for their transactions.

In another collaborative move aimed at driving use of electronic trade documents, Enigio released details on 25 March 2024 of its partnership with Contained Technologies UK Ltd, an enterprise delivering efficiencies in the supply chain space and commodities market. Under the arrangement, Enigio’s trace:original technology will enable Contained Technologies to generate and distribute electronic trade documents in its Blue ring software.