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Copyright © International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). All rights reserved. ( Source of the document: ICC Digital Library )
by Professor Sir Roy Goode KC and Professor Dr. Georges Affaki
accessory guarantee see suretyship
adherence list, ICC, 89
advance payment guarantee, 3, 99, 191, 211,270, 387, 398, 561, 876, 979
advice of guarantee, 228, 616, 725, 823–836,1099
advising party, 178–179, 708, 777
• agent of guarantor, 826
• duty to notify an amendment, 261–262, 855–856
• guarantee, 215–228
• responsibility to beneficiary, 218
• presentation, 300, 884
• responsibilities
– guarantor, 827
– beneficiary, 828
• second advising party, 228, 825, 829
– defined, 178
– presentation, 300, 884
– responsibility of, 223, 832
– warranty given, 224, 833
• warranty, 221, 833
agent, see also advising party
• appointment of, 677
• beneficiaries, 152, 173, 374, 624, 627, 776, 777
• escrow, 203, 776
• of issuer, 202
• guarantors, 152, 176, 206, 328, 776, 777, 824, 826, 830
• syndicate, 465, 974
amendment, 435–437, 779, 1034–1036, 1116
• accepting amendment, 254
– extending the validity period, 256, 852
– presentation complying original guarantee and the amended guarantee, 257
– varying guarantee amount, 255, 851
advising of guarantee or, 823–836
• ISDGP on, 228
• advising party’s duty to notify, 261–262, 855–856
• to be agreed, 105
• beneficiary
– effect of rejection, 848–849
– no obligation to expressly accept or reject, 249, 844
– not bound, 247–248, 842
– best practice as recorded in the ISDGP, 266
– to counter-guarantee, 861
– guarantee including, 866
– guarantor
• issued without authority, 841
• loss of right to reject, 253
• no acceptance by silence, 858
• no effect if guarantee expired, 246, 840
• no exception benefiting beneficiary, 250, 845
• no partial acceptance, 857
• no rejection by silence, 859
• not used to effect transfer, 267, 860
• presentation, 850
• rejection of non-conforming demand not cured by subsequent, 260, 854
• same party to advise, 227
• successive, 259, 853
• and transfers, 285
amount, see also variation of amount
• claimed, 357
• of demands, 938–946
• increase of amount clause, 270–272
• maximum amount of guarantee, 813
• no variation of amount absent agreement, 100
• reduction of guarantee, 1052
apparent authenticity
• advice of guarantee (of), 219–220, 226, 716–717, 828, 829, 832, 835
• document (of) see apparent compliance
apparent compliance, 406, 950–951
appeal bond see court guarantee
applicable law see law
applicant, 166, 709, 752, 754
application, 601–605, 696–700, 702–703, 710, 788, 820–822
application of URDG by incorporation, 62, 64, 76–90, 672–706
arbitral award (as supporting document), 3, 8, 38, 46, 47, 52, 336, 419, 762, 905, 942
arbitration, 11, 32, 46, 186, 626, 1139–1142
assignment of proceeds, 64, 142, 143, 292–295, 480–487, 1103–1126
asymmetrical guarantee, 76, 81, 104, 148
authentication, 313, 322, 711, 713–715, 758
autonomy of guarantee see independence of guarantee
availability for presentation see effectiveness of guarantee
Banking Commission, ICC, 49–51, 56, 59, 69, 72, 147, 164, 410–413, 417, 797, 800,
• list of adherences, 89
• meeting, 382
• Opinion
– 470/TA.940, 333
– 644 (2008), 395, 806
– 942rev, 318
– as invalid discrepancies, 378
– TA.904rev, 442, 1041
• Policy Statement, 759
• Technical Advisory Briefing No. 6 of 15 March 2023, 411, 955
• URDG and, 385
Basel Accords, 121
• Beneficiary advantages using URDG, 95–116
• breach of agreement between instructing party and, 631
• calculations, 423, 963
• changing identity, 273,
• effect of rejection, 252, 848
• making claim against counter- guarantor, 33
• no duty to inform, 1020
• not bound by amendment, 247–248, 842
• no exception for amendments benefiting, 250, 845
• no obligation on, 249, 844
• presenter, as, 299, 301, 883
• presenter other than beneficiary or applicant, 885
• responsibility of advising party to, 828
• right to reject amendment, 847
• to state, 52
bid bond see tender guarantee
bill of exchange (payment by acceptance of), 90
branches (of guarantor), 156, 573, 718, 764–765, 1064
breach of agreement, 631
business day, 101, 427–428, 719–724, 967
business hours, 304, 724, 887
capital adequacies see Basel Accords
cash deposit, 4, 44, 135
charges, 238–242, 1099–1102
• liability, 616–620
• transferor to pay, 284
choice of jurisdiction see jurisdiction
choice of law see law
• in restitution for unjust enrichment, 35
• as subrogee, 35–37
• in tort, 33, 35, 36
complying demand, 327–359
complying presentation, 296–376, 880–902
confirmation, 20, 27, 90, 143, 144, 157, 382, 389, 687, 1136
conflicting data, 448, 1042
consortium see multi-party guarantee
contractual nature (of URDG), 62–64, 77, 78, 91, 92, 163, 400, 686–687, 1136
control, 130–131, 203–208, 600–603, 775–778
• application of URDG, 672, 767, see also asymmetrical guarantee
• chain of counter-guarantees, 172, 731, 1028, 1038
• demand, 32, 102, 521, 915–918, 1012–1013, 1030
• governing law and jurisdiction, 32, 134,1131–1132, 1138, 1142
• in general, 29–30, 675, 731–733
• independence from guarantee, 32, 699,791–792, 1132, 1142
• issue, 208, 780
• structure, 31
• termination, 547, 555, 558, 1056
• transfer, 273, 1103
• transmission of documents (to instructing party), 475, 1103
counter-guarantor, 177, 734, 793, 1028
• beneficiary making claim against, 33
• force majeure affecting, 591–595, 1072
• guarantor, 459, 598, 1051
– advantages and, 117–134
– decision different from guarantor, 524
– to inform counter-guarantor of force majeure and extension, 578–580
– payment suspension, 1018–1019
• independence of, 32
• liability , 598, 1074
• structure of, 31
• transmission duty, 475, 992
course of dealing, 72, 81, 85–88, 385
• decision (as supporting document), 336, 905
• guarantee, 3
credit default swap (CDS), 1119
credit enhancement guarantee, 747
currency, 112, 488–504, 813, 977–990, 1064
custom see trade usage
customs guarantee, 3, 28, 762
damages, 13, 33, 132, 325, 371, 450, 458, 484, 625, 679, 827, 937, 1046, 1050
defences (unavailability of), 11, 53, 96, 789, 791, see also fraud
• amount, 401–405, 423, 864, 941–946, 963
• counter-guarantee, 348–351, 915–918, 1012–1013, 1030
• date, 332–335, 924–927
• in general, 328–329, 726, 903
• incomplete see incomplete presentation
• multiple, 57, 109, 358, 359, 373, 374, 451, 545, 583, 589, 938–947, 1047
• non-complying, 997
– defined, 941
– payment, 375-376, 948–949
– presentation, 947
– waiver and notice, 433–459, 1032–1051, see also waiver
• partial, 344, 358, 359, 402, 530, 583,589, 813, 913, 938–946, 979, 1052
• rejection, 111, 260, 367–368, 372, 381,854, 934, 940
• terms of, 186, 340, 347, 815, 908, see also supporting statement
• transfer of guarantee, 286, 1121
demand guarantee
• distinguished from documentary credit, 18–21, 680
• distinguished from indemnity, 16–17,685
• distinguished from standby letter of credit, 22–23, 674
• distinguished from suretyship guarantee, 13–15, 681–684
dépeçage see law
direct guarantee, 675, 692
direct-pay standby, 73, 330
• information to the beneficiary see notice of rejection
• non detection, 407, 949
• waiver, 132, 171, 369, 433, 439, 442, 474, 754, 935, 991, 997, 1032, 1038, 1040, 1043
DOCDEX, 49, 164, 186, 730, 1139, 1141
documentary character (of guarantee), 54, 73, 119, 795, 868
documentary credit, 18–21
• content, 143, 418–421
• date, 334, 925
• demand see demand
• electronic, 57, 158, 160–162, 229, 711, 713, 738, 758, 760, 769, 1078
• in general, 8, 737, 795
• issuer, 322, 449, 773–774, 1045
• non-required, 258, 396, 417, 807, 808, 960, 962
• original, 152, 322, 450, 470, 759, 760, 1046
• paper, 219, 309, 311, 458, 711, 714–715, 717, 758, 760, 1050
• return of, 113, 437, 450, 456, 458, 474, 551, 744, 867, 962, 997, 1036, 1046, 1050, 1053, 1097
• supporting document, 336, 351, 661,905, 918, see also supporting statement
• transfer, 287, 1122
domestic guarantee, 145, 153
economic sanctions, 130, 388, 604, 794, 801, 820, 1063, 1133
effectiveness of guarantee, 99, 124–128, 187, 460–461, 1040, 1075–1077
electronic guarantee, 145, 158, 206, 777
electronic presentation
• electronic address, 107, 162, 182, 310, 316–318, 891, 895
• format, 311–315, 738, 892–894
• in general, 107, 160–162, 309, 769, 891
• system for data delivery, 107, 162, 316, 895
electronic records, 309, 311, 322, 372, 450, 456, 458, 474, 737, 892, 997, 1046, 1050
e-mail, 316, 322, 712, 715, 724, 895
embargo see economic sanctions
entire agreement, 118–119
entry into effect see effectiveness of guarantee
estoppel, 442, 536, 1006, 1040
eUCP, 311, 769, 892, 899, 902
examination of presentation
• force majeure (suspension of examination due to), 564, 568, 573, 581, 582, 591, 594, 595, 1060, 1065, 1068–1069, 1072
• standards see standards of examination
• time for examination, 966–976
– demand, 426–432
– no extension of, 440
excessive amount (of demand), 401–405, 864, 941–946
exchange rate see rate of exchange
exclusion of a rule see party autonomy
exemption from liability
• acts of another party, 234–236, 1081–1086
• effectiveness of documents, 460–461,1075–1077
• error in translation or interpretation, 232, 1079
• force majeure, 598, 1074
• good faith limit see good faith
• in general, 602, 702, 1087–1088
• loss, delay, mutilation, error in transmission, 229–231, 478, 996, 1078
• transmission without translation, 232–233
• counter-guarantee, 32, 791
• date, 304, 549, 741–744, 887, 1058
• event, 408, 554–560, 740, 745–747, 750, 887, 952
• in general, 546–550, 553–563, 740, 814
• non-business day, 562, 720, 724, 1058
• unspecified see open-ended guarantee
extend or pay
• direct guarantee, 509, 1002
• effect on instructing party, 512, 523, 536, 540–543, 1006, 1011, 1012, 1026–1028
• in general, 103, 132, 138, 505–510, 521, 999–1031
• indirect guarantee, 510, 521–525, 1003, 1012–1014
• suspension, 132, 138, 510, 512, 513, 516, 518, 519, 521–527, 530, 538, 1003, 1005–1012, 1015, 1017, 1018, 1020, 1021, 1029
extension, 250, 256, 852, see also extend or pay; force majeure
facsimile signature, 158, 758, 760
fax, 161, 322, 715, 724, 760
fees see charges
force majeure
• affecting examination, 581–583,
• affecting payment, 587–590, 1070
• affecting presentation, 577, 1067
• conditions of, 569–598, 1062–1066
• counter-guarantee (under), 591–595, 1071, 1072
• duty to inform see information duty
• extension, 114, 589, 591–593, 1055, 1060
– counter-guarantee, 1072
– guarantor to inform counter- guarantor, 578–580
– presentation, 1067
• guarantee (under), 577–590, 1062–1071
• in general, 114
• ISP (in), 567, 1060
• resumption of business, 584, 1068
• suspension, 141, 432, 581, 582, 594, 970, 1068, 1072, 1073
• UCP (in), 565–568, 1060
foreign laws and usages, 16, 75, 133, 602, 606–615, 702, 1089–1098
forgery see fraud
formula (calculation of), 423, 963
fraud, 623, 624
• absence of, 11, 865, 866
• beneficiary’s fraud under guarantee, 32
• forged or otherwise invalid documents, 627
• guarantee cancellation for misrepresentation, 628
• and injunctive relief, 687
• and other defences, 7
• procedural aspects, 625–626
• proof of fraud, 794
• sales of guarantees, 283, 1118
• unconscionable or unfair conduct, 630
Global Trade Finance Programme, 3
good faith, 199, 385, 444, 460, 478, 536, 624, 1044, 1075–1077, 1086, 1087
• acting in, 1011
• exemption from liability conditional upon acting, 129, 237
• guarantor failing to act, 236, 461
• lack of, 1006
governing law see law
guarantee see demand guarantee
guarantee document (intrinsic value of), 549, 551, 1053
• branches see branches (of guarantor)
• in general, 175, 749, 766
• individual, 93, 96
• non-bank see non-bank guarantee
• own records, 390, 395, 747, 750, 803, 870, 887, 951, 952
hold for value, 331, 904
identification of guarantee, 183, 323–325, 812, 898–900
• of payment, 91, 389, 468, 490, 492, 621, 632, 984, 985, 1064
• of underlying relationship, 794
incomplete presentation, 106, 306–307, 346, 511, 728, 888–890, 912, 913, 1004
increase of amount see variation of amount
indemnity (to guarantor)
• extend or pay see extend or pay
• force majeure, 564
• foreign laws and usages see foreign laws and usages
• in general, 599, 710, 751, 1098
• rate of exchange see rate of exchange
indemnity against loss, 29, 613, 673, 685
independence of counter-guarantee see counter-guarantee
independence of guarantee, 10–12, 767, 785–795, 862
index, 393, 870
indirect guarantee see asymmetrical guarantee, counter-guarantee
information duty
• demand, 360–371, 441, 476, 525, 526, 928–937
• extension, 543, 1028
• force majeure, 578–580, 1063, 1067, 1072
• inability or unwillingness to act, 225, 226, 834, 835, 838
• payment, 513, 543, 1021, 1028
• rejection see notice of rejection
• suspension, 472, 513, 523, 525–526, 1008, 1012, 1018–1019
• termination of guarantee, 563, 1059
• waiver process, 369, 935
injunction see provisional court measures
instructing party, 169–171, 691–693, 751–754
International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), 668–670
International standard banking practice for the examination of documents under documentary credits, 730
International Standard Demand Guarantee Practice (ISDGP), 65–70, 144, 168, 192, 335, 342, 516–517, 1015, 1016
• advice of guarantee or amendment, 228
• application of, 381, 385
• best practice in relation to amendments as recorded, 266
• demand, 329
– dating, 335
– guarantees issued before publication, 381
– interaction of information and payment/rejection, 368
– international standard demand guarantee practice, 383
– multiple, 359
– presentation, 342
• digital and electronic records, 309
• drafting history, 71
• foreign exchange fees, 242
• mode of application, 72
• multiple demands, 359
• presentation of original or copy of document, 322
• SWIFT, relation to use of, 317–318
International Standby Practices (ISP98), 415,
567, 650, 674, 958, 1060
• and demand guarantees, 645–646
• documents examined for inconsistency, 958
• URDG 758
– differences between, 648–652
– similarities between, 647
interruption of business, 78, 564, 573, 575,695, 1065
irrevocability, 98, 137, 153, 209, 554, 639, 656, 781
• for guarantor’s own account, 27, see also two-party guarantee
joint venture see multi-party guarantee jurisdiction, 32, 134, 186, 627, 630, 631, 633, 765, 792, 1128, 1138–1143
language, 817, 965
• of presented documents, 326, 901
• stamp in foreign, 425
• URDG in, 635
• applicable law, 33, 35, 37, 64, 67, 72, 75,76, 81, 91, 93
• dépeçage, 1130
• foreign law, 16, 75, 133, 139, 602, 702
• indemnity and usages, 606–615, 1089–1098
• mandatory law, 92, 93, 235, 606, 609–612, 794, 1089, 1136
• non-national legal rules, 1129
liability (extent of guarantor’s), 182, 862–867, see also exemption from liability
liability for charges see charges
maintenance guarantee see warranty guarantee
mandatory law see law
model forms for issuing demand guarantees, 45, 51, 188–193, 340, 688, 908
modification of a rule see party autonomy
money laundering, 11, 130, 280, 345, 388, 801
multi-party guarantee, 24–26, 145, 149–152, 677
multiple applicants see multi-party guarantee
multiple beneficiaries see multi-party guarantee
multiple demands see demand
multiple transfers, 288
non-bank guarantee, 154–155
non-documentary conditions, 9, 386, 387, 389,
• consistency of data, 417, 960–961
• disregard of, 394–395
non-national legal rules see law notice of rejection, 450, 1041–1046
• content, 101, 445
• demand, 372–373
• limit for sending, 452–453
• return of documents, 458, 1050
• specification of discrepancy, 447–448
• strict rule for, 443–444
• time, 1048
“on its face” see apparent compliance open-ended guarantee, 140, 546, 554, 556, 1056–1057
opinions of the ICC Banking Commission, 69, 72, 164, 443, 1043
Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), 55, 96, 666–667
original documents, 152, 322, 450, 470, 759, 760, 1046
paper presentation, 108, 313, 319–320, 896
parent company guarantee, 3, 752
partial demand see demand
partial transfer, 288, 1110
partnership see multi-party guarantee
party autonomy, 690, 1127
“pay first, argue later”, 52
pay or extend see extend or pay
• acceptance or negotiation of drafts, 157
• delay, 138, 182, 464, 465, 544, 598, 934, 972, 973, 1012, 1074
• force majeure, 564–598, 1060–1074
• in general, 3, 462–545
• information about, 364–366
• non-complying demand, 375–376, 433–459, 948–949, 997
• place for, 467–469, 495–503, 975, 976, 978–980, 983–989, 1060, 1064
• under reserve or against indemnity, 438, 1037
• suspension see suspension
payment guarantee
• advance, 3, 99, 191, 211, 270, 387, 398,561, 876
• deferred, 3
• rental, 273, 1103
performance guarantee, 3, 40, 46, 121, 138,299, 341, 746, 762, 883, 909, 979
perpetual commitment see open-ended guarantee
porte-fort, 16
preclusion, 455–456, 1049
• limiting guarantor’s choice, 536, 1006
• rule inoperative if guarantee expires during examination period, 457
• time and content of notice of rejection, 101
• complying, 378, 379, 406–407, 727–730
• demand (of) see demand
• electronic see electronic presentation
• force majeure, 114, 141, 565–569, 577–582, 595, 1060, 1061, 1067, 1072
• form, 321, 897
• in general, 297, 755–756, 880–902
• linkage to the guarantee see
identification of guarantee
• paper see paper presentation
• place for, 302, 304, 304, 886
– business day, 427–428, 518, 562
– impact on guarantor’s guarantee business, 573, 574
• presenter, 297, 301, 303, 308, 880–885,1045
• time, 114, 141, 303–305, 625, 746, 864,887
prime bank instrument fraud, 130, 283
Principles of European Contract Law, 988, 1129
provisional court measures, 144, 621, 661, 662, 794
rate of exchange, 499–504, 988–990
reduction of amount see variation of amount
reference to the underlying relationship see underlying relationship
reimbursement see indemnity against loss
reinsurance guarantee, 3
• amendment, 285
– beneficiary’s right, 847, 848
– loss of right, 253, 849
– non-conforming demand not cured by subsequent amendment, 260
– no obligation on beneficiary to expressly accept, 249
• demand, 260, 367–368, 372–373, 381, 433–437, 446, 854, 934, 940, 1038, see also notice of rejection
• guarantee, 210, 548, 779, 782, 1053–1055
remedy see claim
resumption of business see force majeure
retention money guarantee, 3, 191, 505, 746, 756, 999
risk participation, 3, 24, 26
risk-weighting, 121–123
scope of URDG, 73, 79, 90, 142–162, 1136
second advising party, 825, 828, 829
• presentation made, 300, 884
• responsibility of, 223, 832
• warranty given, 224, 833
separateness of demands, 373, 374, 940
set-off, 633
• electronic signature, 158, 711, 758
• facsimile signature, 158, 758, 760
• in general, 287, 383, 418–421, 714, 758–760, 914–918, 961, 1075, 1122
• transfer of guarantee, 1103–1104,1121–1122
stamp, 424–425, 964–965
standards of examination
• apparent compliance see apparent compliance
consistency of documents, 347, 415, 422, 923, 957–959
• in general, 153, 379–380
• strict compliance see strict compliance principle
standby letter of credit, 22, 166, 330, 382, 415, 674, 733, 736, 958
statement of breach see supporting statement
strict compliance principle, 410–412, 954–955, 979
sub-contract guarantee, 3
subrogation see claim
supporting statement, 761
• demand, 286, 1121
• exclusion
– or modification of requirement, 352–353, 919, 921
– not constituting exclusion of demand or other documents, 356, 920
• statement of breach, 337–338, 906–908
• waiver of requirement, 922
• wording modification, 354–355
• accessory, 79, 96, 117, 122, 135, 185, 194, 195, 197
• demand guarantees vs., 13–15, 681–684
• guarantee, 13–16, 121, 694, 808, 811
• term in other languages, 17
• force majeure see force majeure
SWIFT, 317
syndication see multi-party guarantee
tender guarantee, 3, 46, 138, 341, 746, 762, 785, 909
termination, 113, 140, 546–598, 1052–1059, see also expiry
termination of underlying relationship, 53, 860
terrorism financing, 130, 280
tort see claim
trade usage (application of URDG as), 85–88
transfer, 116, 267, 274–283, 285, 288–295, 1103–1126, 1134
transition (to URDG 758), 705
translation see exemption from liability
transmission of documents, 229, 230, 477, 995, 1078
tripartite agreement, 754
tripartite indemnity agreement see indemnity against loss
trustee see agent
two-party guarantee, 150–151, 678
underlying relationship, 762
• definition, 763
• non-contractual, 679, 762
• reference to, 185, 286, 682, 811
undertaking, 224
unfair demand, 48, 130 143, 331, 338, 660–662, 904
UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, 983, 1129
Uniform Act on Secured Transactions, 55, 96, 666–667
Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP), 54, 566, 637–640
Uniform Rules for Contract Bonds (URCB), 641, 670
Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees (URCG), 45–50, 63, 135, 643–644
Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees(URDG)
• revision of, 56–57, 337, 645, 1103
• URDG 458, 50–51, 55
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), 653, 663, 665, 1057
United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Lettersof Credit, 63, 556, 621, 624, 627, 645, 653–665, 1057
usage see trade usage
waiver (of discrepancies), 132, 171, 369, 433, 439, 442, 474, 754, 935, 949, 991, 997, 1032, 1038, 1040, 1041, 1043
warranty guarantee, 3, 74, 505, 673, 999
withdrawal of demand, 363, 374, 531, 940, 947, 1023
without delay standard, 934, 935
World Bank, 3, 55, 340, 667, 67
variation of amount
• in general, 268, 851, 868–879
• increase, 270–272, 876–878
• reduction, 100, 269, 757, 870–875, 1052